The origin of the name: coffee
Solving the question of the origin of the name are two solutions. In the more popular opinion, it is originated from an Ethiopian land’s name, Kaffa. From there coffee was transported to Yemen.
The other option is the Arab kahwa word (the Hungarian name -kávé- comes from this), but its original meaning had been wine, they gave this name to the black drink only later. (Black soup never meant coffee.) By the 16th century the name already meant the brewed, invigorating drink in the whole Arab world.
Although the genus Coffea has many species, there are only two whose seeds can be used for coffee-making: Coffea arabica and Coffea robusta. These two species have different environmental needs. Coffea arabica is the better coffee ingredient, but it’s more delicate, its cultivation requires better care and caution. Only tropical regions over 900m can ensure the coffee plants’ growing conditions as they can not do without fertile soil, copious and steady rainfall and 15-24C temperature. Commercially available coffee’s 75% is arabica.
Robusta is more undemanding and resistant, it endures heat (itt a magyarban hűség van hőség helyett) and high humidity, its area of cultivation is lower than 900m tropical plains. It is primarily produced in West Africa and Indonesia, the other coffee-producing countries prefer arabica.